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ARigami is a fun app that combines hands-on activities and augmented reality. With ARigami, children can bring origami to life in extraordinary 3d environments. Download the app to start building your origami pieces and see them come alive.

My Role

  • Ideation

  • Flow design

  • Prototyping

  • User test


How the children can play with ARigami

1. Print the paper

1. Print the paper

2. Decorate the paper

2. Decorate the paper

3. Fold the origami

3. Fold the origami

4. Play with the app

4. Play with the app


Ideation and Prototyping


We did the brainstorming for combining hands-on activity that kids love and AR technology to enhance the fun of the activity.


The problem I wanted to solve was how to create the origami paper to be detected in AR. QR code is not kid-friendly design. Instead of using the QR code, I tried 3D model scanning in Vuforia, and tried to create the pattern on the paper. 3D model scanning was hard for the children to try without the grown-up’s assistant. Specific pattern on the paper would not work if the children draw on the paper. Drawing and decorating are children’s favorite craft activity and I did not want to get rid of the fun part.


After many iterations, I decided to create special eyes for each origami animal paper. The eyes become the marker for the AR experience. Each animals have different eyes. With this design, the children can draw and decorate the paper and experience ARigami!