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AR Puzzle to learn about maps, animals and biomes

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While participating Designer-in-Residence at New York Hall of Science, I developed the concept of Animap with the Explainers. We brainstormed hands-on activity the kids love and the concept that the Explainers can deliver to the kids well. After participating the Designer-in-Residence, we created the prototype with Play Lab. This project is still work in progress.


Ideation & Prototyping


We chose Africa for our first prototype. Africa has various landscapes, animals and biomes. We created the puzzle based on the biomes of Africa. We playtested with the children to find out whether the level of the puzzle is proper for them.

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For our first AR prototype, we gave the different pattern for each biomes in Africa. Also, we put the cute character to guide the children with puzzle and AR component of the app.


Playtesting with the children

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Developing the UI for the application

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